Who we are

avivpay is the World's 1st geolocation Fintech Software as a Service predicated on newness freedom and ease as regards the accessing of cash anywhere, anytime without the need for ATM/PoS/Card. We have created the IMP (Instant Money Provider) profile, which allows users on the platform connect with IMPs who can service their cash needs instantly and conveniently within their immediate vicinity. We have elevated the business model that guides cash transaction within the financial ecosystem with this singular action; and further addressed the financial inclusion gap that exists in the society to the greater benefit of all.

Our Aim

To make cash and payments accessible and available anywhere, anytime in the simplest of ways.

Our Vision

To have a banking partner in each household by creating a better alternative to the Automated Teller Machine and Point Of Sale systems and accelerating Africa's transition towards a simpler way to carry out financial transactions while creating job opportunities and ensuring social prosperity.

avivpay's Field of Invention Are:

Financial servicesn
Financial services

we provide services such as cash-out, cash deposit, utility bill payment and airtime recharge.

Mobility economy
Mobility economy

Our technology makes it possible for people to access cash on the go from wherever they are without leaving their immediate vicinity